B3 Podcast Network
If you are a long time listener of the Drums and Rums podcast, we're still here but we have expand into a podcast network. We are now the B3 Podcast Network. B3 stands for brands, bands and booze and ties into the concept of like content on this channel.
You have the Riffs n Rhythms podcast every Tuesdays, the foundation of this audio channel, Drums and Rums every Wednesdays, and our recent addition the 5 year morning show at night, Jams 'n' Cocktails every Thursdays.
We look to expand the channel with shows that are tied to one of the these industries, music, liquor and bar/restaurant/venue service industry.
B3 Podcast Network
We're Back-N-Business
I take the show on the road as I tape this episode live in the wild at Shea's Pub in Port St. Lucie, FL. If you listen to the B3 podcast network show Riffs n Rhythms, then you already know Billy T and Chris and this episode I get to meet the rest of the band "Back-N-Business". They guys talk about influences, when the joined the band and some of the music on their set list.
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